Home School Agreement
Pupil responsibilities:
I Promise…
- To have a restorative approach when problems occur.
- To come to school with a positive attitude, ready to learn.
- To know and follow school rules.
- To make positive choices and be responsible for the consequences of my behaviour.
- To complete homework on time.
- To wear the correct uniform to school every day.
School responsibilities:
We promise…
- To have a restorative approach at all times.
- To provide a positive, motivating and stimulating learning environment.
- To keep young people safe at school.
- To work together with pupils, parents and carers to achieve success.
- To positively manage behaviour in a fair and consistent way.
- To recognise and celebrate each pupil’s individual needs and successes.
Home responsibilities:
We promise…
- To work with the school in a restorative way.
- To support my child in arriving at school on time, prepared for the day.
- To communicate with school any issues which may affect my child’s learning.
- To support school policies in the positive management of behaviour.
- To provide healthy snacks and the correct school uniform for my child every day.
- To support my child with their reading and homework.