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Ethos & Values

We aim to create a happy and secure learning environment where all pupils’ needs are met and success is recognised and praised, underpinned by the six principles of nurture.

  • The holistic needs of pupils will be paramount to the organisation of their education and care. Every effort is made to ensure that they benefit from a dynamic, innovative and safe environment that is responsive to their changing needs and to the advancements of knowledge and understanding within the education and care of pupils with special educational needs.
  • Equality of opportunity is regarded as the cornerstone of the school’s organisation regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability or social standing. The school community fosters an ethos in which honesty; sharing, caring and trust are central to the conduct of members of the community and actively encourage a sense of individual and collective responsibility towards that end. The contributions and qualities of pupils are recognised and celebrated. There is a staff code of conduct in place to support this.
  • Differentiated teaching and learning is in place ensuring access to an inclusive and stimulating curriculum, appropriate to their level of understanding. Pupils are treated with dignity and respect and are involved in the implementation of their care and education as much as possible. They are encouraged to develop personal and social qualities to support them access the community and post school placements.
  • The school promotes a pro-active relationship with families to encourage mutual respect and, in doing so; strive to establish a genuine collaborative relationship to the benefit of all concerned.

Do take a look at our website and you will see the wonderful provision we have!